――― Message

Our business environment has undergone some dramatic changes caused by society’s growing appetite for sustainability management in recent years and the rapid spread of digital transformation efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking back over our past history, we used to focus primarily on developing businesses for industry and promoting corporate human resource development. Now, we must seek to create value with individual customers in mind, from students right through to those who are reaching the end of their corporate careers.
In view of those trends, in 2022, we decided to transform ourselves and formulated the JMAM Group 2030 Vision stipulating the journey we wanted to take and the milestones we wanted to achieve by 2030. The 2030 Vision seeks to share our ideas about what the world will be like in 2030 and the ideal role we envisage for JMAM. It involves the pursuit of significant changes for existing and new businesses and the promotion of specific reforms. The vision is also designed to create opportunities for co-creation with external partners.
We intend to use the 2030 Vision to achieve our declared purpose of creating a society in which everyone gets to experience the joy of growth and enrich their own lives in their own way.
――― 2030 VISION

By 2030: A JMAM Group that accompanies people in their quest for individuality
Today’s society offers a host of different options. In the current era, we can choose what we enjoy, what we want to do, and how we want to live.
However, some people might feel somehow dissatisfied with their current self because they don’t have a fixed path ahead. They might find themselves unable to progress, fraught with concern over how to be true to themselves and the type of life they want to lead.
We believe you can learn how to develop individuality and remain true to yourself by experiencing multiple challenges of your own volition. It is important to take that first step forward, however small. So, what can we, the JMAM Group, do in a new era such as this?
Our role should be to accompany people through the process of identifying the type of person
they aspire to be, learning, and challenging new things.
Why? Because we believe that anyone can experience their desired sense of individuality as
they progress on their journey. The JMAM Group will continue to support everyone in their
quest to be true to themselves as we look ahead to 2030.
――― Restructuring: Two New Main Domains
To help achieve our 2030 Vision, we have restructured our human resource development, publication, and notebook/planner businesses into two new main domains, namely Learning Design business and Time and Life Design business. We have already encouraged the shift away from product development based on a concept of creating things and toward ideas based on experiences. We are focusing on building a network of links between businesses that had previously been developed around specific focal points, maximizing synergies that transcend the boundaries of individual businesses, and promoting the development of services across this entire network. JMAM plans to make great strides as a growth-driving company that supports all people who want to develop their own individuality.
――― The Ideal We Envisage
An era that champions the pursuit of individuality harbors great growth opportunities. Creating new businesses and expanding existing businesses on a global scale. That is the challenge ahead for the JMAM Group.

Sales target: 20.0 billion yen
The market for supporting human resource training in Japan is still growing
significantly as social change fuels fresh needs. Technological evolution has not only
changed the way that human resources are trained, but has also brought about considerable
changes in the notebook/planner and publication industries. It is still possible to achieve
considerable growth by swiftly addressing the changing times and expanding the frontiers of
existing businesses.
- Develop new themes (human capital management, digital transformation, SDGs, etc.)
- Hybrid learning
- Develop Time Design tools
- Expand publications category, etc.
Sales target: 7.0 billion yen
The advent of this new era of individuality has opened the gates on a whole new range of
business opportunities. Closely accompanying people through various challenges at each stage
of their life will help generate new business opportunities. The JMAM Group will strive to
create new value by pursuing two approaches: Learning Design and Time Design.
- External learning
- Develop B2C content platforms
- Commercialize Time Design concepts
- Generate new ideas through open innovation, etc.
Sales target: 3.0 billion yen
In the Learning Design sphere, we established a local
subsidiary in Thailand by leveraging our human resource development expertise to gain a
foothold in Southeast Asian markets. We have started expanding the presence of JMAM
publications overseas by translating our Manga for Success series. In the Time Design arena,
we started selling notebooks tailored to the needs of the huge Chinese market. By 2030,
overseas business will constitute a key portion of JMAM business.
- Expand business in Southeast Asia
- Translate our publications into foreign languages
- Expand notebook sales in overseas markets, etc.